Tuesday 21 June 2011

Week 6 at the Curwen

This was another day on photo screenprinting. First a cup cake print from last week.

This is quite appropriate, as Sue Jones our tutor has nick named us the cake group - we do seem to need cake and sweets to keep our energy levels up!!

I played around with different colours:

I don't know what got in that photo!! I love screen printing, it's fast once all the preparation of the screen is done and it's great trying out different colour combinations. Another fun day!! Such fun that I sneaked in on an extra day at the weekend - Open Access and more photo screen.

This is my 'tea' image, drawn on truegrain like the cup cake print. I printed it in some great colours.

              I also printed some plain backgrounds on another screen to overprint next week. It was an interesting day with some stone lithography going on, which I'd never seen before. I find printmaking fascinating, with all the different processes that are involved.


  1. I'm amazed at just how many different processes are involved.

  2. Great stuff Anna! How do you create the immaculate handwriting? I think my own handwriting would look even more untidy if anlarged!

  3. I agree with Annie, that handwriting is so neat Anna. If that's your true hand I think you should hire yourself out as a calligrapher. Lovely screenprints in such exciting colours. Of course, being a friend of Gina's there would have to be cake!! Lesley


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