Recently I decided that I needed another book case
as the pile of books was getting out of hand! I found an old ex-library bookshelf on ebay which was perfect but was in Birkenhead. However, having wanted for some time to return to the Wirral where I did my first year of teaching, I bought the bookcase and started planning a nostalgic trip to West Kirby. As well as collecting the bookcase we went to Crosby to see Anthony Gormley's Another Place. What an exciting installation! We spent all morning walking along the beach and it's difficult to sum up how I felt - the sun was shining, there was a gentle, warm breeze and I just loved the wonderful sculptures. How clever, how inspiring and how wonderful they remain there rather than be moved as originally planned. Here are a few of my photos.
Great textures and patterns in the sand.
Later on we collected the bookcase and went to West Kirby, booked into a lovely B and B and then walked to where I had my first flat in 1969. It was the top floor of a Victorian house, 4 rooms and a kitchen, use of a bathroom shared with various old ladies, coal extra; all for £2 10s!!
In that little top room there were lots of important times. I started my first teaching job, got engaged, planned my wedding, house hunted but then plans changed and we went to live in Brussels 2 weeks after our wedding in August. That was the start of a new adventure!
The view from the end of the road, across to Wales.
Goodbye Victoria Drive, fond memories.
On the way home we stopped at Gayton County Primary where I first taught. Much the same but with a smart new front!
A great trip and it's so easy to find the book I want!